Siyakwamukela kwa-Credo, Singumkhiqizi Wephampu Yamanzi Yezimboni.

Zonke imidlalo

Company Izindaba

I-Credo Pump izozinikela ekuthuthukiseni ngokuqhubekayo

Usuku Lwamazwe Ngamazwe Lwabasebenzi lwango-2019

Izigaba:Izindaba Zenkampani About the Author: Umsuka:Umsuka Isikhathi sokukhishwa: 2019-08-12
Ukushaya: 8

Thina Abasebenzi sinamandla

- Ishosha esihlatshelelwayo by Credo

Abasebenzi bethu banamandla

Ey, thina basebenzi sinamandla

Umatasa ngomsebenzi nsuku zonke

Sawubona, sebenza nsuku zonke

Imishini ivuliwe

Sinamaphampu amakhulu namaphampu amancane

Credo mission we will never forget!

The machine began to rumble

Lifted the hammer and clanged

The processed parts are sent for assembly

Installed the pump to send in front

Our faces lit up

Our sweat is dripping down

Kungani kunjalo?

In order to develop

Kungani kunjalo?

For the market

Hayi hayi hayi

Go out into the world for Credo!

Isaziso Seholide:

May Day is approaching. According to the national holiday arrangement and the actual production situation of our company, the holiday arrangement is determined as follows:

We will have a holiday from May 1 to 4 in 2019 (a total of 4 days), and return to work on May 5. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the holiday.

Hunan Credo Pump Co. LTD

April 27, 2019

Izigaba ezishisayo